Friday, January 05, 2007

Insomnia Due To Snoring

A bullfrog is being strangled in my husband's throat. It's nearly 2am and once again I can't sleep due to his infernal snoring. I don't remember when it all began, but he never used to snore this much and I never used to have under eye bags each and every day.

The gentle prodding and/or jabbing of my pointy little elbows into his side is no longer an effective way to make him roll over or close his yap. I shudder to think of how many spiders he's eaten over the last several months.

To add injury to insult, he never believes me when I tell him about his ferocious snoring. I've even resorted to recording it and playing it back to him, which just makes him laugh. I've tried waking him up in the midst of it all but then he mutters some dream jibberish or says (his favorite), " I was just trying to think."

I have to work tomorrow but I've clearly given up trying to sleep or make him stop snoring seeing as I'm now on my computer.

Anyone have any suggestions how I can get him to stop before I put him out on the balcony?


Claire said...

Try those nasal strips from Breathe Right. Athletes use them to maximize their oxygen intake. They are marketed specifically at snorers and are a completely drug-free way to open nasal passages. They hold your nostrils open as large as possible.

BubblyBunny said...

Yeah, I have the same problem with my hubby. Luckily for me, he doesn't snore like that every night. And when I'm tired, I can usually sleep through it. But I can certainly sympathize with you b/c there are nights when he wakes me up with the snoring and there is no way for me to fall back asleep.

Anonymous said...

snoring that severe is a symptom of sleep apnea. Other symptoms would be sleepiness, forgetfulness, impatience, lethargy. Is he more of any of these than in the past? Does he fall asleep watching TV or at a show? Also, has he gained weight; this causes thickening of the airway and more potential for snoring and apnea. Drinking alcohol in the hours before bedtime is another cause: relaxes the airway too much and it collapses on itself. By the way, his snoring is disrupting your sleep and can make you cranky, forgetful and more likely to gain weight. See info on sleep apnea and snoring: and

Ali said...

Is denial one of the symptoms of sleep apnea? ;) I just read this aloud to Alex and he claims he has none of these things. The idea of me getting fat from his snoring is indeed very alarming. I think I'll be buying those nose strips and checking out that link. Thanks everyone.

Worst case, there is a lovely view from the balcony.

Unknown said...

My snoring was a problem for the spouse. My wife would often wake me to stop snoring. We found an unexpected solution that has stopped my snoring and may help those with sleep apnea: The SquidFace and ComfyRest pillows. The snoring relief on my back was an unexpected benefit of an invention I patented for being able to lie facedown comfortably and breathe without turning my head to the side. Snoring relief and many additional pain relief benefits are on my website.

mckinnley said...

A whole article about snoring partners and what to do!!

Ali Kat said...

Hope you get this comment, 'cause I know the post is old. But, I watched "Grey's Anatomy" last night... apparently, wax ear plugs work really well!!