Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!

I'm back!

I appologize to everyone for falling off the face of the earth for a bit, but I was on vacation!

I know that's the worst tradition ever and I'm not sure why it happens, but for some reason, since 2000 when I got severe mono on Christmas Eve, I get sick every year at Christmas. The whole fever, sniffly, sickly thing.

Since I almost always go home to Winnipeg for Christmas, I thought the weather and 8 family gatherings in 3 days were to blame. This year I swore not to get sick on Christmas and we packed up and drove down to North Carolina for a week to visit my Sister and her family. I thought avoiding the insanity and visiting a warmer climate would ensure my health this Christmas.

Well I was wrong. I woke up Christmas morning with a tickle in my throat and by nightfall I was achy, sniffly and sick. I felt worse on the 26th and even worse on the 27th. My dear sister pumped me full of cold medication and I did my best to stay positive and even headed out for a day of sight seeing.

Geeze, I look retarded here. Click on it for a closer look!

My sister took this picture. Generally I destroy this kind of evidence but we both look like such jerks here I had to leave it. It's just too funny.

We had a fantastic time and really enjoyed the vacation from our computers. I got my case replaced while I was gone so I no longer have a dirty little apple.

Now to nail down those pesky New Years resolutions.
Everyone, have a great time tonight! Happy New Year!


Teena in Toronto said...

I hope you're feeling better soon :)

Happy new year!

mckinnley said...

Hope you're feeling better, my dear. I think we're in serious need of a catch up... lol, how many months have we been saying that for? Glad your holidays were fun.