Tuesday, December 19, 2006

My First Attempt at Pole Dancing...

I finally got on the pole.

I make a habit of checking out the deals we offer on ChickAdvisor for, um, quality control purposes. I felt it was my moral obligation to test out pole dancing (how can I promote it if I haven't tried it?). So, I brought 3 ChickAdvisor members to Flirty Girl Fitness to test out the free class they're offering on our deals page. Everyone loved it! They had us doing all sorts of cool spins on the pole and we even learned a choreographed routine.

What surprised me the most was what a great workout it was. We were all sweating and sore later on.

Definitely the most fun workout I've ever done and I love the gym. The staff and other members were all really friendly too, which helped because we were all nervous about trying this.

Now how to convince Alex to install a pole in the living room...


Ali Kat said...

I'm sure that will not be hard. What will be hard, is to get him to stop asking you to "dance" for him!!

Teena in Toronto said...

It's a fun workout :) I've done it a couple times.

degsies said...

if it puts me into labor i'm all in!! and i'm sure it would be a good post-preggie workout too, just not sure i'm brave enough. toon town may not even have such a place yet, being so hickish and all.