I just experienced the coolest corporate Christmas party I've ever been to. Alex works for a luxury travel company whose trips and parties are always unforgettable. Every year there is a new party theme and everyone comes out in full costume. Alex and I are always sadly under dressed because we don't have the same costume making skills his coworkers have, or frankly, the time. We were supposed to be Texan tourists but we failed badly...
Anyway, yesterday Alex comes home with 30 minutes to spare for the two of us to get ready. I asked him how we should dress. He said that some people were going as animals. Animals?? He wasn't kidding. There was an ape, a giraffe, a diamond miner (who slipped me a few "diamonds") and a dude wrapped in saran wrap. Can you guess what he was supposed to be? We were thinking maybe he was a condom but later he explained he was a mirage. Yep, that's the kind of creative characters Alex works with.
There were African dancers and the hotel ballroom was decked out magnificently. The owner came as a sheik and lounged on the pillows by the bar. It was a really fun night!
When Alex and I were about to leave, one of his coworkers sauntered over and attempted to prevent Alex from leaving.
"You know what I told my wife?" he slurred at both of us.
"I said. If yure gunna make me leave early from thissparty. I'm going by myshelf."
He stumbled back onto the dance floor. We got in the cab.
I sure hope Alex grew the mustache specifically for this party :p 'Cause it definitely should not be his "New Look"!!
ali kat, don't worry the 'stash made a speedy exit the very next morning.
May I then be the first to say I thought the story was quite funny!
It's a blog, people. In a time where being politically correct is the determining factor for our behaviour, we should all shut up and just be Homo sapiens, not white, black, blue or purple. 'Course that's just my opinion.
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