Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

I hope you are all enjoying your holidays and that you've stuffed yourselves silly on all sorts of deliciously fattening food. We decided to do something different this year and drove down South to visit my niece and nephews.

I am currently surrounded by shreds of wrapping paper, ribbons, half opened toys and bits of pre-chewed food mashed into the carpet that were rejected by my two year old nephew with a loud, "Yuuuucky!"

We haven't seen much of the city yet but managed to squeeze in a little shopping. We're both impressed with how friendly everyone here is. We Canadians like to pride ourselves on our friendliness, but these N.C'give some serious competition. They are some of the nicest people we've ever met. You can cut them off in traffic (accidentally of course since we missed that last turn), ask silly questions at the cash register about your purchases with a mile long line up behind you and not one complaint. In Toronto we eat people alive for those kinds of offenses. Since this is my second visit here I know it's not just holiday cheer.

The only negative experience we had was one not so bright store clerk (S.B), who tried to tell us that a digital camera had to be at least 7 megapixels in order to be able to edit pictures.

S.B (southern belle): "Oh, Ah wouldn't ba anything less than 7 megapixels or it won't let you edit your pictures"

Me: "Um, yes you can. Whether it has 4 megapixels or 10, The editing is done on the computer not on the camera so, unless you plan on making giant posters that require that kind of resolution, a 5 mega pixel camera will be just fine."

S.B tittered patronizingly at me for a moment with a look on her face that said, wow you're stupid. Then said impatiently, "Ahm tellin' you if it's less than 7 megapixels you're hardly gonna be able to do anythin' at awl."

Right. Ok then. Alex led me out before I had a chance to educate her.

We're definitely enjoying our visit and plan on doing as little work as possible. Enjoy your time with your families and friends!

Ali + Alex


Teena in Toronto said...

Merry Christmas :)

degsies said...

are you sure you're a snapdragon and not a canna lily? :)