Friday, November 03, 2006

How to Stay Chirpy While Raising Funding

1. Pretend those outstanding bills are really fan mail!

2. Ask the staff if you can start paying them in chocolate chip cookies!

3. Imagine every investor who turns you down twirling around in his or her underpants!

4. Offer to write up a really swell review for your landlord in lieu of this month's rent!

5. Spend a little time each day perusing travel sites for exotic places you'll visit when you hit it big.

6. As a Christmas gift to your co-founder, cuddle up 'round the computer and read the blog posts you wrote for each other!

7. Pretend you're famous on the subway. Wear dark sunglasses and try to look important. Who knows? That person staring at you across the car could be one of your unique visitors!

8. Prepare an acceptance speech in front of the mirror. This will come in mighty handy when your site becomes wildly successful and you're getting awards out of the wazoo, but remember to practice pausing in between sentences for the thunderous applause.


Claire said...

You are hilarious! Good to see you still have your sense of humour. Hang in there, your site is great and it's only a matter of time before MSN features you, though hopefully not using the words "Before turning the gun on herself ..."


Ali said...

Oh, do I sound upset? Quite the contrary. I'm having such fun! Just trying to help others in the same predicament.

And actually, this is seriously what I do(yes, I am that weird). It's all true, except I have yet to prepare my acceptance speech. Don't want to jinx it.