Sunday, November 05, 2006

Exam Skin

Exams are just bad for so many reasons...
You eat more, you sleep and excercise less, you rest your chin on your hand and voila! Up pops a new crop of zits you never saw coming. You look like a teenager again, and not in a good way.

Even though this has happened to me without fail every November and April, I still binge on chocolate icecream and sit for hours at my computer with my jaw in hand creating the perfect breeding ground for embarrasing ugly pimples.

I have yet to figure out a solution I can live with. I'm not prepared to give up the chocolate icecream (it's survival ok???) and I've tried to keep my hands off my face but when I'm that tired, it's just not possible.

On the bright side, I plan to go for an oxygen facial at Elixir later in the month (50% off!!) Let's hope that helps!

Anyone have any other suggestions on how to clear up exam skin?

Oh, and BTW, as I'm typing this Cat Woman is playing in the background and I'm so embarrassed for Halle. No wonder she got a Raspberry for that. I blush on her behalf!

1 comment:

Claire said...

I don't know how to clear it up, but may I offer one or two suggestions on how to avoid it?

When I was in the same predicament, I wore no makeup at all (well, ok, mascara), even though it made me look like a character from "The Addams Family". Given that I was always tired, I would frequently head to the bathroom to rinse my face off with cold water (no cleanser). Finally, I kept my hands germaphobe clean by washing frequently and using hand sanitizer.

I still had some breakouts, but that was probably as much from lack of sleep and loads of stress. I guess some things are just inevitable.

Also, and you probably already do this, drink water by the gallon instead of coffee, cola or juice. I find that drinking coffee automatically makes me crave cookies or chocolate. I avoid milk for the same reason.