Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The I Hate Crocs People

It's no secret that I hate Crocs passionately. I think they are the ugliest most unflattering clown shoes I've ever seen in my entire life. I'd originally made a post about it here when they first came out, then pulled it down because I didn't want to offend anyone. But given their increasing popularity it doesn't look like they'll be going away anytime soon and I can no longer keep silent. The visual pollution I am bombarded with every day, the sinking feeling that the rest of the world must be laughing at us all... This must be stopped!

I've felt somewhat alone with these feelings as I stepped on one rubber toe after the next when the subject came up at dinner parties and such. But today I found a website that truly understands how I feel. is a must read for those who feel the same. Read the disagreement section for a good laugh.

I just wish I'd thought of it first...


mckinnley said...

I completely agree, they are UGLY. They don't go with ANYthing, and people seem to have one pair in a really bright, awful colour and then wear them with everything. UGLY. They are boat shoes and are meant to be worn on the dock. For that, I could live with them, they might even look kind of fun and cute around the lake, but NOT in the city. Period.

BubblyBunny said...

You are not alone. Both my fiance and I absolutely HATE those hideous things. I have seen people with bad taste in styles but crocs are just beyond bad taste. The worst thing about people who wear them is that they don't even match their outfit, in style or in colour. For crocs, that's a very bad thing since their colours are usually flamboyantly bright.

And I can't imagine what possess people to wear them when it's 35C outside...the rubber can't be very breathable for hot summer day.

BubblyBunny said...

I had a "crocs" experience yesterday and I immediately thought of your post. :P

I was shoe shopping and this girl spent about 15 min trying to convince her BF why she wants those crocs. These were her reasons:

1) They are very comfy b/c they have arch support. Everyone wears them everywhere, all the time.

2) You can wear it all the time because it doesn't even have to match your clothes!

3) Crocs are anti-bacterial.

Hahahahahaaa...I had such a hard time trying not to laugh. I thought the anti-bacterial one was classic!! Heeeheheeeee!! I didn't bother to check to see if it's true b/c I'm having too much fun laughing at it. Heheeee...

Anonymous said...

This is awesome! I don't have a pair myself, but I have money invested in the stock itself and have been making tons of money (in fact, I just paid off about 45% of my mortgage with insane net capital gains off some call options this past Mon and Tues). Groups like this help build awareness (positive or negative either way helps) about the shoes which causes more customer conversions --> more money for Crocs Inc. --> more money for shareholders! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I forgot to add this link: CROX 1 Year Chart

Check out the chart on stock! Thanks for hating Crocs!

Anonymous said...

You can now protest crocs on Facebook at this link: crocs protest on Facebook