Friday, March 09, 2007

Anti-Fashion Week Conspiracy at Ryerson University

The Ryerson Goblins are at it again.

They already have me in a perpetual state of disheveledness with huge bags under my eyes, horrendous hair and bad skin from many demanding assignments. They had the balls to assign work over reading week, which included meeting with a professor for clearance on our topic of choice, then going out and filming a local event and editing it in addition to scheduling major exams and assignments immediately thereafter. Reading Week is supposed to be time off so we can all go lie on a beach somewhere and contemplate our bright futures. Balls. Now I am being forced to miss out on the most brilliant night of shows at Fashion Week - AGAIN.

Every year, Toronto Fashion Week falls in mid October and mid March. Coincidentally (though I argue this is in fact NOT a coincidence), this is also the time of year where Radio and Television Arts goes from extremely busy to flat out, mental. It's bad enough that I suffer through 11 hours of solid class on Wednesdays, but this Wednesday also happens to be the most packed day of the shows I want to see at Fashion Week.

This time, I am forced to blow off Rudsak, Comrags (Your website is creepy), Andy The-Anh & David Dixon (Do you HAVE a website?), to name a few. I am not happy about this.

It's not like I can skip class since all of my most major assignments of the year are to be delivered on this day, including a huge presentation from 6-9pm. Again I say, Balls! My theory is that Ryerson purposely schedules all major tests and assignments to coincide with major events in Toronto so they can suck every last vestige of joy out of our lives. Then they laugh evilly at the site of our gloomy, weary and unfashionable faces. (All my villains laugh evilly).

I will cover what I can despite my sketchy attendance. Just please forgive my bedraggled appearance on camera should I chose to torture you with it.

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